Made with

What is Depth of Field:

- You can work with DOF and

aperture to achieve an interesting


- The focal length of a lens affects

Your DOF

- How much focus is in your shot

- Longer focal length = Shallower


What is Field of View: 


- How much is in the frame


- Wide lens(24 mm) > large FOV

- Zoom lens > Smaller FOV


- Depending where the camera is, a lens might be chosen to display a desired FOV (ex. Small studio)


- How much is in your shot 


Field of View

Depth of Field

What is Compression:

- Is a type of lens distortion:

   - 50 mm is 0 on the compression

  + 50 mm = more compression

- 50 mm = decompressed image

- Compression has two effects on

your image:

- Distorts relative distance of

the scene
